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What is a rare disease patient group?

Rare disease patient groups play a vital role in the rare disease ecosystem, acting as advocates, facilitators, and the driving force for advancements in care, research, and policy.

In this guide, you’ll learn what rare disease patient groups are and their importance, not only for patients and families, but also as key collaborators with multiple stakeholders, like healthcare professionals, academics, researchers, regulators, funders or policymakers.

You’ll learn about common challenges faced by patient groups and practical advice on how to start navigating them.

Resource type


Skill level



1 hour

Last updated

November 2024

Resource type


Skill level



1 hour

Last updated

November 2024

What will you learn?

  • What rare disease patient groups are, with examples
  • The importance of patient groups in the rare disease community, providing support, education and advocacy
  • The importance of collaboration to increase impact
  • Successful examples of patient group collaborations to educate professionals, influence research priorities, develop treatments and shape healthcare policies
  • The main challenges faced by patient groups and initial advice to navigate them
  • How patient groups can drive change by collaborating with multiple stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, researchers and pharmaceutical companies

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for anyone seeking to learn more about the role and importance of rare disease patient groups in the wide rare disease ecosystem. It is particularly valuable for patients, patient group leaders and caregivers who are considering starting a patient group or seeking to understand how patient groups can drive change.
Similarly, this course is valuable for other professionals such as healthcare providers, researchers, academics, and policymakers who want to gain a better understanding of how they can collaborate with patient groups.
Whether you’re looking to start a patient group, learn more about rare disease patient groups, advocate for better care or drive change through collaboration, this course offers a comprehensive introduction!